Gender-squiggly full-bodied pumpkin

A collage consisting vintage postcard of the Empire Estate Building with cut out elements glued on top. The postcard has the buliding standing far taller than anything around it, against a cloudy blue skip. The card has wriggly edges. I have stuck googly eyes to the top of the empire estate building. A sillouette of a person pointing with one hand on their hip is sticking out the top of another building and just above them, as though tehy are saying it to the building, are the following words cut out of a magazine: " gender-squiggly full-bodied pumpkin!". They look like they're having a good time. A poem in very loopy and hard to read handwriting, written on the back of this postcard. The text of the poem is typeset on the page, below the image. It's signed with my initials: a large M, squared with the letters C and T written smaller and beneath the M.

My handwriting is really hard to read, so I have typed it out for you :)

Make your body a
    home for yourself,
Paint the walls with
Marvel @ your marble
They catch the light
    as you turn,
And you see yourself,
    as you meant it.