- Alpine.js for home-cooked apps


URL: - Alpine.js for home-cooked apps

Home cooked apps again B)

Gosh. He’s made a lot of home-cooked apps that are exactly like the ones I want…

AlpineJS is a javascript thingy that you can use to create reactive UIs mostly inline with your HTML, which is pretty nice. I hate having HTML full of “go call this separate javascript function” and ids and event listeners.

There’s also no build step, its just include and go!

Is this Tadi? How can it be more Tadi? It looks pretty tadi tbh.

This article is a pretty cool tutorial/demo on what you can do with Alpine.

Cons are that its a pretty hefty library. I wonder what an even smaller version would be like. It can also get slightly unwieldy having your js inline with your html.

You can probably get away with vanilla js in a separate file, its pretty powerful nowadays.

So, if I need to make a reactive UI (a user interface which reacts to what the user does,) AlpineJS is a pretty good way to do that!

Things to look into: