- Building our own private Discord knockoff


URL: - Building our own private Discord knockoff

Woah! This is a really cool home-cooked app :)

Having a way to use discord that doesn’t require an electron desktop app is v. nice.

Wow. Discord is also terrible privacy wise. Hmm…

It’s very cool that they added the features that they need exactly. Also PHP architecture :))

“PHP islands” architecture is what my reading list is. Glad it has a name.

Hahahaha yes polling is terribleeeee. “WebSockets” is the thing to look up.

Yes, I agree — “Build the MVP (minimum viable product) in a mad dash, then slowly improve it over time.”

My takeaways


As fun as this is, I don’t think it’s right for me. I like being able to talk to lots of people too much. I’d rather use whatsapp or matrix than discord tho. Discord will probably die in a few years tho tbh.