Blake likes to take notes but keeps hopping between different note-taking programs. They’ve used a lot of different programs.
Their new rule: they’re allowed to switch programs, just the notes have to be stored as a folder of files.
Benefits of this are: interoperability with different notetaking softwares and also just command line tools for handling plaintext, ease of backing up (I should do another backup…) and your notes being locally available.
Downsides are you have to manage your own syncing across devices, and you miss out on some cool proprietary features of some software (like Notion).
My takeaways
- Having a consistent markdown format would be nice…
- I’d like to be taking notes in neovim again.
- How do you get your inter-note links to work across different software? Is that just sorted.
- How do my inter-note links work outside of Obsidian? I’m not using wikilinks because that’s obsidian only… right? What happens if I export to pdf or pandoc it into html??