This is a compillation album of more than 100!!! artists on 46 singles supporting trans rights B)
oh no they have some cool merch. luckily its very very expensive and i can’t afford it!
Started after the loss of Sophie in 2022.
Compilation is by Red Hot who were founded for Aids charity fundraising.
Yeah, music is crossing boarders and ecumenical. Reaching out. Fingers crossed it does good!!
ahhh this sounds so cool! it’s not open yet.
Not just trans music about trans people by trans people, not pressuring artists to perform an identity or w/e. (so will it be directionless and bland??) overarching theme is celebrating transness as a sort of gift.
this won’t be good for my bandcamp wishlist…
hope to spread understanding, hope that seeing celebrities associated with it will help; usual awareness raising stuff. issue is the media !!! decides who gets heard.
oof it is out now and its $25 dollars… maybe ill have to wait a bit. looks so good lol.
oh hey Mary Lattimore is on here!! that’s cool
lots of artists who i don’t know. lots of people of colour. very cool!!
My thoughts
I'm really glad a compillation like this is being made, because I love discovering new music and especially discovering new queer music and QPoC music. Super excited to listen to this and see what the songs are like. I don't particularly think it will have any positive impact, I haven't heard any of the songs on the radio, none of the names on it are giant, or popular amongst people who matter (save Sade and Sam Smith). It's mostly indie artists who are themselves marginalised in some way.
I think the media landscape has changed so much since the Aids crisis, Murdoch is in charge, and everything is so horribly right-wing right now, I don't know how an album of art can create change or that much awareness. Everybody is having transphobia drip-fed into their veins via social media :(.
I wish there were more big celebrities came out in favour of trans rights, I wish more politicians did. I wish there was a mass-movement with intersectional solidarity. I guess I should have gone to that protest today (but it was far away..., and it made me feel sad. I guess that's all the more reason to go.). I still think the cross-identity movement with other people being screwed over by the NHS is the best way.