So, there was a trend on twitter where Assyriologists posted their favourite Akkadian letters, to reduce Ea-nasir’s dominance. This author, Iris Kamil, started it with the “Princess, Do Your Homework” letter.
Between Libbāli-šarrat, “the primary wife of Assurbanipal” and her syster in law, Šeruʾa-eṭirat. The queen is trying to learn literacy.
The letter itself is short, and consists of Šeruʾa-eṭirat scolding her sister in law and admonishing her that if she doesn’t then no-one will believe she is queen.
It seems that Šeruʾa-eṭirat outranked her sister in the law, and several of her brothers.
We have a likeness of Libbāli-šarrat from a relief in Ninveh. It’s a pretty cool likeness!