What’s Old Is New | CSS-Tricks


URL: What’s Old Is New | CSS-Tricks

In the start of this he talks about how he accumulates links as bookmarks, and spent a few hours going through them and noticed them congealing into some themes and dialogue. I like that idea.

I should spend a few hours one evening just reading things on my list, with the radio and a cup of tea… that’d be nice.

It would be useful if I could link my notes together more betterly. Not sure how I’d do that. The main issue is, like, keyword extraction and tagging. Maybe it isn’t necessary now that grepping is so fast. I can just type a phrase and grep it in all my other notes?? or something. idk.

The rest of this article is mostly just quotes from podcasts and articles about the web dev industry. The tldr is fundamentals (HTML + CSS + vanilla JS) are back babyyyyyy. Whoo. Glad because that’s the only thing I know (and PHP).

SVG and ARIA are also key web standards.

If you don’t know how to program something, cribbing from documentation examples and Stack Overflow answers is far far far better than getting LLM to write it for you. I already know and did this but it’s nice and validating to have someone else say it :P

Some people have called buildless deploying “raw-dogging websites” which i will not abide!!!!!

Build tools are good for projects with a lot of complexity. I avoid those like the plague. A good heuristic is “do it manual until it hurts”. And even better, write that automation younself!
